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申战辉博士在SCI期刊《Environmental Research》发表论文

时间:2024-04-02 16:44:38 来源:英国威廉希尔公司 作者:闫军辉 阅读:

标题:Pd/Cu bimetallic nano-catalyst supported on anion exchange resin (A520E) for nitrate removal from water: High property and stability

作者Zhanhui Shen, Menghao Fang, Li Tang, Jialu Shi, Wanfeng Wang

来源出版物Environmental Research



文献类型Journal Article


摘要:High nitrate concentration in water can lead to eutrophication and the disruption of healthy aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, in the human digestive system, it has the potential to be reduced to nitrite, which can be damaging to people's physical health. Catalytic hydrogenation of nitrate is one of the strategies for removing nitrate from water. Using A520E resin as support, we prepared Pd/Cu nano-catalyst (Pd/Cu@A520E) according to a liquid phase reduction method. A520E could improve the transfer process of nitrate in the solution to the activity sites of Pd/Cu nanoparticles, thus increase the reaction rate of nitrate reduction. Pd/Cu bimetallic nano-particles were evenly distributed on/in the resin with a size range from 2 nm to 10 nm. The External Circulating System equipped with Venturi tube (ECSV) was designed to improve the utilization efficiency of H-2 in both batch tests and long-term continuous-flow tests. Nearly 100% of nitrate removal efficiency and above 90% of N-2 selectivity were achieved in both batch tests and continuous-flow tests. Coexisting Cl- and SO42- at 300 mg/L showed little impact on the property of Pd/Cu@A520E. Pd/Cu@A520E also showed high nitrate removal property and stability in continuous-flow tests of more than 800 h. NO3- was adsorbed onto the active sites (functional groups and Pd/Cu particle sites), meanwhile H-2 was adsorbed onto the active sites of Pd/Cu@A520E to form Pd [H]. Then the adsorbed NO3- was reduced into N-2 (main product) or NH4+ by Pd [H]. In addition, Pd/Cu@A520E showed high nitrate removal property from municipal waste water.

关键词Pd/Cu; Nanoparticle; Hydrogenation catalysis; Nitrate pollution; Municipal wastewater


